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Description CryptoPressStream is a streaming compression and ecnryption library.
It provides transparent access to compressed or encrypted data stored in the stream object.
All stream objects are 100% compatible with TStream and have some advanced functionality like progress event, LoadFromStream, LoadFromFile, SaveToStream, SaveToFile methods, Lock and Unlock methods for multi-thread usage. CryptoPressStream includes TCPSManager component (thread safe) that provides easiest setting of compression and encryption parameters, contains list of opened streams.
Package Contents CryptoPressStream contains TCPSManager visual component, Component Reference, demos, License Agreement in License.txt file, History Of Changes in History.txt file and general information in ReadMe.txt file.
Specification Key features: - Transparent streaming compression and encryption library with 100% TStream compatibility - Forward and backward seeks to any position, partial rewriting of the stream, read cache - Compression and encryption component supporting buffers, strings, streams - Data compression: 3 algorithms with 9 modes for each - Strong encryption: 12 algorithms with 4 modes and 2 different schemes - Multi-thread safe - Native VCL, does not require any DLLs - Royalty free - Full source code available Installation 1) Make sure that all copies of Delphi (or C++ Builder) are currently closed and not running on the target system.
Also, if you are replacing an existing version of CryptoPressStream, please remove all files and the package of the prior version before running the new setup program.
2) Unpack zip archive containing CryptoPressStream into any directory.
3) Run the INSTALL.EXE from this directory.
4) Follow on-screen instructions of step-by-step setup wizard to install CryptoPressStream.
5) If after the installation CryptoPressStream components don't appear in Components Palette of the IDE, please follow the next instructions: * From the IDE, select' Component | Install Packages...'. Click the' Add' button. In the.. \CryptoPressStream\Lib\Delphi# (or.. \CryptoPressStream\Lib\C++ Builder#) directory, select the dclCryptoPressStreamD#.
BPL (or dclCryptoPressStreamB#.
BPL) file. Click the' OK' button to close the dialog. Finally, select' Tools | Environment Options' from the main menu.
From this dialog, select the' Library' tab and insure that the.. \CryptoPressStream\Lib\Delphi# (or.. \CryptoPressStream\Lib\C++ Builder#) directory is included in the' Library
Path' line.
Purchasing/Registration Visit our site http://www.aidaim.com to purchase the product.
Copyright and license See license.
txt file.
Warranty and guarantee See license.
txt file.
Technical support Before you contact us, please do the following: - Make sure you have performed all the required steps correctly. Look at the Help files and Demos: it may already contain an answer to your question.
A lot of people ask us something like how do I:, though the complete information is there. Visit our Internet site at http://www.aidaim.com.
It's a good chance that you'll find the newer version of our product there.
If the problem persists, please, inform us about the following: - CryptoPressStream version. Where did you obtain CryptoPressStream (http or ftp site). Compiler information: Delphi or C++ Builder, Version, Edition, Service Pack - Environmental information: your OS and Service Pack - Description of your problem (as much information as possible to retrieve the problem). Attach a test project where the problem could be reproduced (it helps us to solve your issue as soon as possible) Typically AidAim Software Support Team answer messages in 24 hours, but depending on singularity and difficulty of your question it may take a bit longer.
Should you have any ideas on improving the existing functions of this product after you have downloaded and used it, be easy to e-mail us.
All registered users who buy this product may also send their offers to add new possibilities and/or to change the product's functions.
We consider any ideas and we may take them into account while creating new versions of our products.
Download trial Buy now ($3,995.00) Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003 Vendor: AidAim Software Keywords:
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