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BlackBytes Registry for.NET provides classes that manipulate the system registry.
The Windows registry is a hierarchical database that contains the value of variables in Windows and in the applications and services that run on Windows.
The operating system and other programs also store data about users, and about the current configuration of the system and its components in the registry.
Because the registry is available whenever the system is running, programs that start and stop can keep persistent data in the registry. Structure of the registry Much of the registry consists of nested containers known as RegistryRootKey and RegistryKey.
These are like folders.
The data is actually stored in the registry entries (see ValueEntry), the lowest level element in the registry.
The entries are like files.
The series of nested containers comprise a path to each entry.
Because entry names are unique only within a path, entries are referenced by their full registry path and name. A ValueEntry consists of a name, a RegistryValueType, which defines the length and format of data that the entry can store, and a field known as the value of a registry entry.
Data is stored in the value field. Variability of the registry No two registries are exactly alike.
Because the registry stores data about the hardware and software installed on and available to your computer, much of the registry is very specific to the computer and its current configuration.
Also, some of the registry content is constant, but other content is created anew each time you start the operating system or log on as a user.
As a result, many changes to the registry are deleted or replaced when you restart or log off and log on again. Predefined keys An application must open a RegistryKey before it can add data to the registry.
To open a key, an application must supply a Handle to another key in the registry that is already open.
The system defines predefined keys that are always open.
Predefined keys help an application navigate in the registry and make it possible to develop tools that allow a system administrator to manipulate categories of data.
Applications that add data to the registry should always work within the framework of predefined keys, so administrative tools can find and use the new data.
An application can use handles to these RegistryRootKey as entry points to the registry.
These handles are valid for all implementations of the registry, although the use of the handles may vary from platform to platform.
In addition, other predefined handles have been defined for specific platforms. Opening, creating, and closing keys Before an application can add data to the registry, it must create or open a key.
To create or open a key, an application always refers to the key as a subkey of a currently open key.
The following predefined keys are always open: LocalMachine, ClassesRoot, Users and CurrentUser.
An application uses the OpenSubKey method to open a key and the CreateSubKey method to create a key. An application can use the Close method to close a key and write the data it contains into the registry.
Close does not necessarily write the data to the registry before returning; it can take as much as several seconds for the cache to be flushed to the hard disk.
If an application must explicitly write registry data to the hard disk, it can use the Flush method.
Flush, however, uses many system resources and should be called only when absolutely necessary. How registry data is used To retrieve data from the registry, an application typically enumerates the subkeys of a key until it finds a particular one and then retrieves data from the value or values associated with it.
An application can create the IEnumerator or RegistryKeyEnumeratorEx to enumerate the subkeys of a given key. An application can call QueryMultipleValues method to enumerate the values for a given key, and QueryValue to retrieve a particular value for a key.
An application typically calls QueryValueNames to determine the value names and then QueryValue to retrieve the data for the names. The QueryMultipleValues method retrieves the data for a list of value names associated with an open registry key.
This method is useful for dynamic key providers because it assures consistency of data by retrieving multiple values in an atomic operation. An application can use the SetValue method to associate a value and its data with a key.
To delete a value from a key, an application can use the DeleteValue.
To delete a key, it can use the DeleteSubKey.
To delete registry key and all descendant subkeys recursively, you can use the DeleteSubKeyTree.
A deleted key(s) is not removed until the last Handle to it has been closed.
Subkeys and values can not be created under a deleted key. The RegistryWatcher notifies the calling thread when there are changes to the attributes or contents of the specified registry key, or if the key is deleted.
The WaitForChanged method signals an event object to notify the caller.
You can control or specify what changes should be reported through the use of the RegistryNotifyChangeFilters flag whent you Initialize watching.
Usually, changes are reported by signaling an event that you specify to the RegistryChangedEventHandler.
Note that the RegistryWatcher does not work with remote handles.
Download trial Buy now ($99.00) Vendor: BlackBytes Software & Consultancy, Ltd. Keywords:
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