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Search results for 'realistic instrument panel'.
219 products found. Showing 121-131 in 10 groups sorted by relevance.

121. PowerKiosk
PowerKiosk addin introduces multi-monitor support to Microsoft PowerPoint 97. View shows on multiple panels arranged in matrix (box) layout.
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Platform: Microsoft PowerPoint 2000, PowerPoint XP on Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP
Vendor: Chirag Dalal

122. Display_settings Delphi component
Display_settings Delphi component TMonSett and THiddenMonSett are two components used to manage the display settings (video modes, wallPaper, start screensaver, turn off/on the monitor) from your Delphi application. C - Start the display settings control panel applet.
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Mesaros Istvan

123. RemoteControl II for Handheld PC's
Use your Pocket PC as an universal IR- remote control. Free definable control panels, layouts and graphics.
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Platform: Win CE / Pocket PC
Vendor: WinCESoft

124. Advanced Biorhythms 2004
Advanced Biorhythms is a program that forecasts your emotional, physical, intellectual, and intuitional activity cycles, also known as biorhythms. Advanced Biorhythms has unique user-friendly interface: handy calendar of cycles and extended info panel gives you all the information you might need (including comprehensive prognosis and advice of the day).
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Elprime Software, Inc.

125. ByteWedge Professional
ByteWedge ProfessionalIt collects data from Telephone Systems, Scales and Balances, Gauges, pH/Electrochemistry Meters, Laboratory Instruments, Sensors, Densitometers, GPS Receivers, Barcode Scanners, Magnetic Stripe readers, ID Tag Readers, etc. - or any other RS232 equipped device.
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Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Fog Software, Inc.

126. Txt2dir
If we would describe Txt2dir in one short line then it would be: It creates directories quickly from text. B) Enter the parent folder by typing it or using the selection panel. A) Enter the prepared text file by typing in the complete path or using the file menu or using the selection panel.
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Vendor: Shareware Hangvogel

127. Earth Explorer
Earth ExplorerYou can specify what kinds of map layers to be shown, rotate the globe, click right mouse button and pull/push to zoom in/out the current map view, measure distance between any two points on the map, etc. Key features: 1. A 3D bird's-eye view of our beautiful earth; 2. Photo-realistic satellite imagery at 1km resolution covered entire earth globe; 3. Integrates with several kinds of map layers: Vector map layers: 1) Political boundaries (International boundaries and internal boundaries); 2) Coastlines, lakes, islands and rivers; 3) Longitude-latitude grids; Point map layers: 1) 267 countries/regions and detailed information; 2) 40000+ ranked cities and information; 3) 15000+ Islands and information; 4) 1700+ noteworthy historical earthquakes since 1980 and detailed information; 4. Rotate/Zoom in/Zoom out functions lets you observe our beautiful planet at any point (Click right mouse button and pull/push to zoom in/out the current map); 5. Three kinds of operation modes (Drag, Center, Measure); 6. Measure distance between any two points on the globe; 7. Intelligent tips when your mouse moves upon a country/city/island/earthquake's mark or name label; 8. Sort country/city/island/earthquake table according to selected titles and interactive operate with the label and mark on the map; 9. Save favorite maps with BMP, JPEG formats; 10.Realtime online database access and cache mechanism support fast and fluent exploration;
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Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Motherplanet
         128. Earth Explorer DEM
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129. RemoteControl II for Pocket PC's
RemoteControl II for Pocket PC'sUse your Pocket PC, Handheld PC or Web Pad as an universal teachable universal infrared remote control. Free definable control panels, layouts and graphics.
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Platform: Win CE / Pocket PC
Vendor: WinCESoft

130. Earth Explorer DEM Full Version
Earth Explorer DEM Full VersionYou can rotate the globe, zoom in and out (click mouse right button and pull/push can zoom in/out the view), measure distance between any two points, etc. Key features: 1. Have a 3D bird's-eye view of our beautiful earth; 2. Photo-realistic shaded relief topographic imagery at 1km resolution covered entire earth globe; 3. Integrates with serval kinds of map layers: Vector map layers: 1) Political boundaries (International boundaries and internal boundaries); 2) Coastlines, lakes, islands and rivers; 3) Longitude-latitude grids; Point map layers: 1) Countries/regions distribution and detailed infromation; 2) 40000+ ranked cities distribution and information; 3) Islands distribution and information; 4) Earthquake distribution maps and detailed information (Including 1700+ noteworthy historical earthquakes since 1980); 4. Rotate/Zoom in/Zoom out funtions lets you observe our beautiful planet at any point (Click mouse right button and pull/push to zoom in/out the view); 5. Three kinds of operation modes (Drag, Center, Measure); 6. Measure distance between any two points from the globe; 7. Intelligent tips when your mouse moves upon a country/city/island/earthquake's mark and name label; 8. Sort country/city/island/earthquake table according to selected keywords and interactive operate with the map labels and marks; 9. Save faviorite maps with BMP, JPEG formats;
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Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Motherplanet

131. CodeThatXPBar STANDARD
CodeThatXPBar is a navigation control that provides with the same look and feel and functionality as the special control bar which can be found in Windows Explorer, Control panel and other system tools of the WindowsXP.
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Vendor: CodeThat.Com

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