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Search results for 'grid value'.
335 products found. Showing 168-178 in 10 groups sorted by relevance.

168. Plugin Galaxy for AE (Macintosh)
Plugin Galaxy for AE (Macintosh)Plugin Galaxy for AE offers daily needed effects like transparency manipulation, blurring, texture and pattern generation, noise creation, mirroring and warping. Last but not least, there are some effects that can rarely be found like feedbacks, grids and zooming.
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Platform: Mac OS 9/Classic, Mac OS X
Vendor: The Plugin Site
         169. Plugin Galaxy for AE (Windows)
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170. Bestcode NetObjects Fusion Component Pack
Bestcode NetObjects Fusion Component PackComponent pack includes the following components to help you speed up your web development: BcAutoTextAppComp also copies a given value to an attribute for all pages based on a condition.
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Language: English, Component GUI
Vendor: Suavi Demir

171. Color Converter
Date: 20.11.2003. 1. Converts color from standard RGB to HEX or DEC value.
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Language: English, serbian
Vendor: Golden Dragon Computer Studio

172. Registry Help
Registry HelpThe comment for each item in the list will tell you where the key words are found, in key name, in value name, or in value data. You can go back or forward when browsing, you can add keys to the favorite, and you can edit the data of key value here.
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Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: YourSoft Inc

173. inDesign Virus Detector 1.0.2004
inDesign Virus Detector 1.0.2004VMonitor is active process that detects all changes and it momentary warn you for all: - File size changes - New Files - Deleted files It also detects registry changes: - New values - Deleted values All directories must be defined in file information database before detection.
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Platform: Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: InCode Solutions

174. ICE XML SAX/DOM Parser
ICE XML SAX/DOM ParserThe ICE XML SAX/DOM Parser is a native VCL Component for Borlands C++ Builder and Delphi. Drag the component on a form, call the ` ParseDocument' function to start parsing, catch the events or use specific elements to read the values from the document.
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: ICE - Technologies

175. Color Palette for XL
Color Palette for XLWe release a new version of Color Palette for XL: 1.1 It has a new tool, which you can copy the customized colors from another open book. Clarify or intensify the color of the cell backgrounds, zoom to fit your selection with the screen, display or hide grid lines and more...
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Platform: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Jabs

176. ATable for AutoCAD
ATable for AutoCADNew features: - AutoCAD 2004 support - formula calculation in cells (like in Excel) - select grid style in OPM (Object Property Manager) - browse block filename to cells - columns and rows autosizing Main features: - dynamic update of table in drawing during editing - dynamic display selected cells in drawing - adding and removing rows and columns - join cell - interface as in Microsoft Excel - changing tables properties in AutoCAD Object Property Manager - switching borders display - switching text object type (DTEXT or MTEXT) - switching text fitting - switching of making lines in cell between strings - automatic text splitting in cell (three modes) - changing insertion point of table - horizontal and vertical aligning of text - easy changing of column width and row height - changing text style of table - easy changing of text height in each cell - easy cahngnig of text line spacing - tuning of width factor and oblique angle (DTEXT only) - simplified table creating from existing one - reading text into cells/rows/columns from drawing - changing layer, color and lineweight for text - changing layer, color and lineweight for vertical and horizontal borders - prepare table in drawing via Lisp function - changing table properties before, during and after inserting table - edit table after insertion - inserting header to table - creating table styles - locking key properties by table style - saving link to Microsoft Excel range - updating grid contens by link to Microsoft Excel range - changing hotkey for main commands - attaching add-ons - English and Russian interface.
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Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Vendor: Alexander Shchetinin

177. Plugin Galaxy (for Macintosh)
Plugin Galaxy (for Macintosh)Plugin Galaxy is set of 21 plugins which includes an incredible amount of over 120 basic effect. Last but not least, there are some effect that can be rarely found like feedbacks, grids or zooming.
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Platform: Mac OS 9/Classic, Mac OS X
Vendor: The Plugin Site

178. Super Block for Palm
Super Block for PalmThank you for using Super Block for the Palm, an improved clone of one of the classic games of the 80's. We hope you will enjoy playing this game so much as we did creating it! Super Block for Palm includes many advanced features, such as: Total User Control: You can turn music, sound effects, and grid, on or off.
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Platform: Palm OS, Palm OS 4.0 or above
Language: English Compatible
Vendor: IBE Group, Inc.

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