Search results for 'restrict user'.
3012 products found. Showing 197-207 in 10 groups sorted by relevance.
197. MailBee SSL (ISP License)
MailBee SSL is a plugin object which can be easily attached to core MailBee's objects such as SMTP, POP3, IMAP4. The plugin also supports custom user certificates and stores, server certificate validation, connections over regular port (STARTTLS mode), user specified communication protocols. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($499.00) Find similar
Vendor: iForum, LLC
SecureCard - Secure Card provides users with options for encrypting a single or multiple files, or the entire card. The data can be encrypted on Palm and send to users on Pocket PC or Windows and allow them to decrypt or encrypte it in those devices as long as the user is authorized to do so.
199. Twilight Utilities Web Server
Serving the internet has never been easier. Comes complete with a series of scripts which enable users to see animated shots from your webcamera and also lets users post files to you! DetailsBuy now ($24.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, XP Tablet PC
Vendor: Twilight Utilities
SecureCard - Secure Card provides users with options for encrypting a single or multiple files, or the entire card. The data can be encrypted on Palm and send to users on Pocket PC or Windows and allow them to decrypt or encrypte it in those devices as long as the user is authorized to do so.
SecureCard - Secure Card provides users with options for encrypting a single or multiple files, or the entire card. The data can be encrypted on Palm and send to users on Pocket PC or Windows and allow them to decrypt or encrypte it in those devices as long as the user is authorized to do so.
SoftStart is a program, which functions between the user and the Windows operating system. The Skins of SoftStart are changeable and the program functions are sorted according to the user groups and function types.
Quick, direct access list to the users you talk to most. My Groups, which can include user, computer names or IP addresses. Ignore list, which blocks messages from the users added to this list. It lets display all logged users, computers and domains on the local network.
DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($6.20) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Language: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Brazilian, Polish, Romanian General requirements: Intel®
Vendor: B Labs
206. WebTools
This software saves in a database all your web domain information including User Name, Password, URL and the entire HTML code for each of your web pages and domains. If you have more than 1 domain, you do not need to worry about forgetting passwords or user names. DetailsDownload trial (Demo: 2.1 MB) Buy now ($50.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: GEDSoft/
207. Payment Processor Script
Online Auction Script Deatils: customizable HTML templates for easy design changes mySQL database backend for superior control over data HTML product listings with uploadable photos Complete search function which searches entire database for products The display of current users and current auctions New user registration Users login/logout Forgot your password? User defined usernames Password retrevial via email Free bids for registered users Email notification of bids Auctions: User defined Item descriptions Users can upload pictures Reserve prices, minimum bids Standard, dutch auctions View bid history Auction Displays: Displayed seller name and information Displayed quanity of items Ability to send auction to a friend Browseable categories Displays the last created auctions Displays the Highest bids Displays Auctions ending soon Help system News system Money formatting options Phpauction Administration back-end main features: Password protected admin program Changable currency labels for use in different countries Configuration of admin e-mail address Configuration of categories Configuration of countries table Configuration of payment methods Configuration of auctions duration Configuration of bid increments Edit/Delete Users Edit/Delete Auctions Add/edit/delete Help System topics Add/edit/delete news. DetailsBuy now ($80.00) Find similar
Vendor: LT Holding