Search results for 'file recompress'.
3040 products found. Showing 218-227 sorted by relevance.
219. Strong File Encryption Decryption Utility
PrimaSoft Strong File Encryption and Decryption utility is a Windows software that allows you easily and quickly to encrypt and decrypt selected files or folders on your computer using the latest industry standard strong encryption algorithms: Strong File Encryption Decryption software supports Compression and Decompression: You can use the most popular ZIP archive file format within the utility.
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003
Vendor: PrimaSoft PC, Inc.
220. Alt WAV MP3 WMA OGG Converter
Files can be selected from File Manager (multiple files can be selected) and dragged into it's window. It supports dragging and dropping files from Explorer or File Manager into it's main window. Source files can be deleted automatically after converting, it is convenient if you convert from the big library in your hard drive and want to save free space on it or if you convert from files in many different folders.
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Language: English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French
Vendor: NeSoft Inc.
221. nnBackup
NnBackup is a small and convenient tool for backing up and synchronizing your files. And folders, creating and processing file-lists. Setting of inclusive and exclusive file-name masks,. Working with file creation/modification/last-access times,.
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Vendor: Nicholas Nemtsev
223. Web SiteGrabber
The program converts websites (HTML) into bitmap files. So you have the whole website as one bitmap files. You can save this bitmaps as JPG, TGA, TIF,... files.
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: CAD-KAS GbR
224. SmartDirCopy
Easy backup program to back up or copy only one or a selection of important documents (files or folders), a tool for simple, fast and small backups. Clear because it leaves the directory structure and file formats in the backup as they were in the source, making an easy control on the result of the backup or a fast restore of a file possible.
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Shareware Hangvogel
226. SmartBackup
Most of the files are program files, system files, DLLs, etc. SmartBackup now helps you to find and backup your important data files. Since only new and changed files are copied, these regular backups only takes seconds, but you can always be sure to have a second copy of all your important files.
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Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Language: English, German
Vendor: JAM Software
227. HTML-Encrypter
Do you ever wanted to protect your homepage against copyright validation? With HTML-Encrypter you can encrypt the source code of your HTML files. The files look normal in any Bowser but the source code is not human readable.
Details Download trial (Full version: 371.1 KB) Buy now ($15.99) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: CAD-KAS GbR
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