At home, SharkPoint for Palm synchronizes to your PC for data backup. If you also have our PC software, you can load and edit the data in great detail. Instead of bringing a laptop computer on your dive vacation, you simply take your Palm PDA to log all your dive information.
267. WINventory Management Library
1. PC info (serial, manufacturer, etc). 5. Users (complete list of users on this PC) 6. Currently logged user. It gives the power to quickly identify any hardware or software problems and assess your PC hardware and software inventory at no time. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($650.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 98/ME/2k/XP/2003
Vendor: SoftDevNet
Protect your privacy securely deleting all traces of your activity 77 percent of major U. S. companies record and review employee communications, including e-mail, Internet connections and computer files. American Management Association. PC-compatible computer with a Pentium CPU or similar;
269. eXploration
Also specially for file and folder copy/move from or to one or more differ destination, Within two folders of the same hard drive/other drive, from one PC to another PC across the network. Support computer hibernates after progress done. DetailsDownload trial (Full version: 415.4 KB) Buy now ($29.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Flagship software application Anti- keylogger(TM) for Microsoft® Windows® 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP is the FIRST product of its kind in the world that can provide every computer with strong protection against most types of unauthorized activity monitoring software, both KNOWN and UNKNOWN. These applications can help you to detect and eliminate (deactivate) threats to the integrity and security of your computer network.
As more and more companies connect their computers into networks and prompt their employees to use shared resources, searching for files over LAN becomes an increasingly difficult task. The program supports multiple file search attributes (like file type or date of creation) and is very simple in use, making it perfect for home networks and even individual PCs, not connected to any network.
Have the problem of having little text files on your PC, containing all that information, or can't stand having to go for your wallet everytime you pay your bills? These days, hackers are quite stealthy, they can be logged onto your computer, without you knowing about it.
Also, you will save computer resources, removing from your PC starting all the programs dedicated to the web, allowing that MCC loads and unloads them only during the time you are connected, releasing memory and other resources to use them in other applications.
274. SoftWriting 4.1 for Innowrite Users
SoftWriting is the only product available anywhere that enables you to convert documents containing handwritten notes and printed text into editable computer files such as Word documents. Australian PC User, Product review, 2002-08-01. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($49.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: CharacTell Ltd
Turns off your PC in case of emergency. Can shut down your computer comfortable, professional and securely, supporting all capabilities provided by the installed operating system, and additionally offers a big variety of tricky features, you never will find elsewhere.
DetailsDownload trial (Demo: 1.5 MB) Buy now ($24.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Language: English, German, German and Hungarian
Vendor: Dynamic Worlds