Golden Section is an adjustable transparent design grid for web, graphic, logo and UI designs. Key features: multiple grid modes, including section grid and square grid; adjustable userinterface for GUI, web and image design; full controllability over the mouse and keyboard; advanced settings for power users.
270. Shortcut Manager for PowerPoint
But the macro code needs to be invoked from one of the menu items in the PowerPoint userinterface. Using Shortcut Manager, you can assign keyboard shortcuts to existing menu items, recorded macros and macros written in VBE even if they don't appear in the PowerPoint userinterface. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($24.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Microsoft PowerPoint 2000, PowerPoint XP
Vendor: Chirag Dalal
Photovista Panorama has an intuitive, easy to use interface that allows you to stitch a series of still images together into a single panoramic image or a 360° web panorama in minutes. Use this award-winning Panorama software to stitch, create, print and email your personal panoramas or virtual tours.
272. Cerberus FTP Server
Designed to use very little CPU and memory, Cerberus features a user-friendly interface that can be easily hidden or accessed from the system tray. The server is able to listen for connections on multiple interfaces (Multi-homed PCs), run as an NT service, resume failed transfers, and offers an easy-to-use manager for controlling user access to files and file operations. DetailsDownload trial (Full version: 374.4 KB) Buy now ($59.99) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Grant Averett
What is AX-ZIP Archiver. Familiar exlorer-like userinterface. Original, double tree interface of the program allows to manipulate simultaneously several archives and to minimize the number of operations while working with archives.
THiddenMonSett is an invisible component, so you can define your own userinterface. They both do the same things, the only difference betwen them is that TMonSett has it's own integrated user interaface to display the current display settings, and buttons through which the user can change these settings.
Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.); Explorer like userinterface; Popup menus; Drag and drop; Activity log; Support for Wildcard Characters; Support for Firewalls/Proxy Servers; Symbolic directories (with -> pointer character); Update Option (transfer when source and target files are different); Delete Source Option (delete the source file after a successful transfer); Log Printing; Improved UserInterface; Sounds.
276. SmartDirCopy
Easy backup program to back up or copy only one or a selection of important documents (files or folders), a tool for simple, fast and small backups. Backup is possible to several kinds of drives like cd-rw. Fast because it copies only pre-selected items AND only if they changed since last backup. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($19.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Shareware Hangvogel
Now you can build and manage dynamic sites even faster by using the save time features of Site Unit CMS: Make your site content on-the-fly changing with friendly userinterface. Using the Site Unit CMS site management system you can enjoy the benefits both as the user and the programming specialist.
278. JPopupSlider Source Code
Swing Components. By providing a simple button user can click on, then displaying a slider in a popup window when that button is pressed, JPopupSlider increases the ease-of-use of your interfaces. DetailsBuy now ($150.00) Find similar
Platform: Platform independent
Vendor: Simon Jewell