VBdocman is a program for automatic generating of technical documentation from your Visual Basic source files with just few mouse clicks. The predefined output formats are (in several variants): HTML Help (*. chm file which looks like MSDN) HTML files (with Java index and table of contents) WinHel (*. hlp file), RTF document.
293. 1ST_Tools
NEW (January 2004) version 2.0 - More than 60 scripts and extensions that EVERY ArcView user must have. Help file included. With buying 1ST_Tools.avx you got 1ST_Table for free. DetailsDownload trial (Demo: 300 KB) Buy now ($40.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Language: Avenue
Vendor: Trdin Andrej
294. MyX
A method for automatically generating a HTML table from a dataset/recordset and a method for supporting full updating and scrolling on any dataset/recordset with 1 line of ASP code. It supports multiple Datasets (Recordsets) with full support for ALL MySQL fieldtypes including BLOB/MEMO/ENUM/SET. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($89.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000
Vendor: SciBit (Pty) Ltd
VBdocman.NET is a Visual Studio.NET add-in for the quick automatic generation of technical documentation from your Visual Basic.NET source code files. HTML files (with Java index and table of contents). HTML Help 1.x (*. chm file which looks like MSDN).
Microsoft Data Link file (*. udl). The Visual Open DB connects to a valid data source via the Windows Data Link file (*. udl), using MDAC 2.5 or later. Log files (*. log). CSV files (*. csv). Text files (*. txt).
Infrared ready for multiple chat sessions. BtP2PChat allows you to chat with multiple users within the handhelds infrared range. Store chat logs and print them out later, draw pictures on the white board and send them over to your chat buddy.
298. MSDE Plus
MSDE Plus is a tool for Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 7.0/2000 and Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000 users and developers. It is able to create and manage any SQL server objects: databases, tables, stored procedures, views indexes etc. and improves productivity by reducing development time. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($59.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: JigaSoft
IceXX - Icon eXplorer and eXtractor - is the utility for exploring and extracting icons associated with files or contained inside of files. Saving of the extracted icons as ICO or BMP file. The extracted icons may be saved as the files in ICO or BMP format.
301. PocketTiME
PocketTiME is the first three-in-one program for Pocket PC that allows you to manage your time, mileage and expenses. Some features: Intuitive and easy to use Multiple currencies Display by date, client, project, task, or any kind of data (time, mileage, expenses or both) Quick summary Export to CSV file Backup fonction. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($24.95) Find similar
Platform: Win CE / Pocket PC
Vendor: Soft-Concept T.Warpelin