![BatchRename 2](/pics/300007883.GIF) | Log: After you apply the rule, you will see the result in the result list, by clicking the Save log button, a log file will be automatically generated, it record the detail datetime and the result list. Audio/Video files:.cda;.ivf;.aif;.aifc;.aiff;.asf;.asx;.wax;.wm;.wma;.wmd;.wmv;.wvx;.wmp;.wmx;.avi;.wav;.mpeg;.mpg;.m1v;.mp2;.mpa;.mpe;.mp2v;.mpv2;.mid;.midi;.rmi;.au;.snd;.mp3;.m3u;.vob; (*Must have windows media player installed in your computer, it's free for download.). |