You can also play the latest karaoke with Tyrannosoft created formats such as MP3+G, WMA+G, KMF (Karaoke Media File), and KSF (Karaoke Sync File). It has Media Ripping and Conversion, Performance Recording, Advanced Playlist with Visual Playlist Selector, Next-Singer display, Sound-FX playback, Album Cover Display, and much more.
188. TrueUpdate 1.0
From multimedia application and CD-ROM front-end creation using AutoPlay Media Studio to automated Internet-based software installation, updating and patching with Setup Factory, TrueUpdate and Visual Patch, Indigo Rose offers an array of easy to use solutions. DetailsBuy now ($395.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Indigo Rose Software
189. Spreadsheet Presenter
Export selections of your Excel file as pictures to be used in presentations, reports, publications or web pages. Change the default Excel palette with new, brilliant and professionally selected colors to personalize and enhance the visual quality of your charts and reports. DetailsDownload trial (Full version: 4.2 MB) Buy now ($39.95) Find similar
Vendor: Jabs
190. PivotCubeX - ActiveX control for OLAP analysis
PivotCubeX is a Royalty-Free visual component for OLAP analisys and reporting. Key Features Tree-like (Hierarchical) dimensions Each measure reperesentation (Value, Rank, Percent) in separate cells Add support for set statistical functions like quartiles, deviation, median etc Simple load data from any ADO compatible datasource Unlimited number of dimensions and measures Save builded cubes into file or stream for future use or publications Upgrade saved cube with new data You can build your own cubes like in a' big' OLAP servers - day-by-day without refreshing data, just adding new records into saved cube Simple sorting (with changing order) over any measure and dimension Custom dimension wrapping - for example to Seasons, Quarters, Day/Night etc over ANY dimension, not only datetime View data as their absolute value and in percent representation and in ranks Simple export data into MS Excel Allows many image enhancements, like colors, fonts etc, including different views of different data depending on their values. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($75.00) Find similar
Vendor: PivotWare Lab
191. ColorDabbler
Color values, names and example color swatches can be outputted to a printer, a picture file or a Rich Text File. Save entire working sessions to a file. It can output your home decorating pictures to your printer or to a picture file. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($24.99) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Arctic Owl Software
192. HomePrint Publisher
HomePrint Publisher - This is a low cost, high quality, full featured home publishing tool for the professional and novice alike.HomePrint Publisher delivers the power-packed desktop publishing solutions that power users need to transform concepts into stunning professional quality communications.Both first-time users and experienced graphic designers will appreciate the intuitive powerful text handling capabilities of HomePrint Publisher. Enter text directly into text boxes, cut and paste, or import text from files. If text on a path provides the perfect visual solution, get creative with the Bezier Text Tool. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($19.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Cristallight Inc.
193. Imatronics Panorama Express (***Special 33% discount offer expires soon***)
These packages include a single, small executable file that you can email to your friends or clients.! Everything needed to view your virtual tour package is included right there in the single small executable file! Simply double-click the executable file under Windows and a cool skin (with the option of displaying your logo or brand) appears with all the controls needed to easily navigate the virtual tour you have created. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($99.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Imatronics
Run the Setup by double-clicking the file downloaded. 2. Displays of table occupancy together with names, and visual symbols of male and female guests and children. 3. Displays of table occupancy toggling between names of the guests and visual symbols representing customer and staff employee.
Dive profiles can also be imported from DAN Project Dive Exploration files - supported by Cochran Analyst, Dive Rite NiTekLogic and Uwatec SmartTrak software among others and from generic tab-separated files. The customization features are all visual, with no programming expertise required.
Run the Setup by double-clicking the file downloaded. 2. Displays of table occupancy together with names, and visual symbols of male and female guests and children. 3. Displays of table occupancy toggling between names of the guests and visual symbols representing customer and staff employee.