Generally speaking, #Calculation is very useful in two general areas: first, when a formula has to be defined and evaluated at runtime (for example, if the end user is allowed to enter a formula that will be evaluated and used); second, when a set of formulas that depend on each other are defined, configured, and evaluated at run-time.
Keep your checking accounts organized and stop working math problems. Other Features include: The ability to manage multiple accounts. When you add deposits or withdrawals, Just Checking automatically shows you the remaining balance.
DNC Precision operates as a multiple NC programming and management gateway allowing for access to numerically controlled device. Extensive actions logging is also of great value as it shows the big picture, which in turn means greater optimization possibilities!
The CD version is a single multi-use license which allows for multiple installations (up to 3) so you can use AgendaMax at home and at the office. AgendaMax shows appointments either in a 12 or 24 hour format. Appointments, tasks and holidays are graphically displayed on the calendar and a display beside the calendar only shows those items which relate to the calendar date.
MP3 Stream Editor is an all in one tool for your MP3s. Rename and Tag multiple files with one click (Filename to Tag; Tag to Filename; Tag multiple MP3s at once). Multitasks, continue your work while tasks are running in the background.
The easiest way to open and control multiple windows of your default web browser. Open, close, maximize, minimize, restore, hide and show the windows, one by one or in groups, controlling even if those pages that had been designed to remain minimized or in second plane, including those annoying pop-up windows that don't allow you to access to the Close button.
HelpWorks Profesional is a complete knowledge base system. You can let multiple people manage your knowledge base, but restrict certain users from certain activities! The 10 most popular questions are shown on the front page of your knowledge base area.
Multiple public chat channels, Secret (private) channels. Show last login date. Settings to disable visitors and free members to view multiple result pages. Browse Males, Browse Females now show only profiles with pictures.
NoteMagic is a replacement for the Windows notepad. The CD version is a single multi-use license which allows for multiple installations (up to 3) so you can use NoteMagic at home and at the office. Shows line and column cursor position.